
Rest in Peace September

Rest in Peace September

Those we love deserve to be Honored, Remembered, and Memorialized

Choose permanent secure placement at St. Charles Memorial Gardens in our Wall of Memories. You can arrange for permanent placement at no charge; bring the ashes or just a portion of the cremated remains. We also have many upgrade options available.

Fill out the form below to request an appointment for any Saturday in September 2022.

This will give you

  • Peace of mind knowing your loved one is in a secure permanent place.
  • A beautiful place to honor your loved one.
  • Your loved one’s name will be recorded in our permanent records for genealogy.
  • Choices, many other options are available as well.
  • A place for family, neighbors, friends, and community to come and reflect, remember and heal.

This cannot be applied to any previous contracts or agreements

Limited Offer

Call or Email today to set up an appointment.



CAUTION: Scattering ashes is a non-reversable act.

Don’t scatter where your loved one will be lost forever... Honor them here with us for no charge.

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