We offer a full line of Bronze Memorial Markers to memorialize your loved one. You can choose from the Custom, Premium, or Classic product lines to design a highly personalized memorial. You can choose the color, border designs, and personalization options to make your memorial a beautiful tribute. Our staff can give you all the details and costs. Call St. Charles Memorial Gardens for more information or e-mail us.
Memory Garden Stepping stones, sundials, water fountains, wind chimes and garden statues all help create your own Memory Garden at home.
The only temporary memorial that will be allowed will be provided by St. Charles Memorial Gardens.
A Temporary Memorial will remain in place once the permanent memorial is ordered from us until the time of the permanent installation. (Not to exceed 12 months)
The Wall of Memories is a granite wall with bronze plaques that memorializes those choosing cremation scattering, anatomical donation or are buried elsewhere.
Our Private Family Estates are more than just a family plot, they are completely customizable.
You’ll work with our Estate and Memorialization designers to create a gated, private area that reflects the style and traditions of your family.
The possibilities are endless and the design – exclusively yours.
With a great variety of available options, your private estate is fully customizable to your wants and needs.
Examples of custom features include –